New lens!

The primary reason that I started learning photography was to take good photos of our baby once he arrives. The external flash that I have would be pretty harsh on baby Micah's developing eyes so I decided to get a lens with a very large aperture (f/1.4....SWEEET!) that will allow me to take pictures without flash in low-light situations. I have to manually focus the lens because my Nikon D40 does not have a built-in autofocus motor. This will take some getting used to.

I took this shot this afternoon. Check out the shallow depth of field and bokeh in this photo. I'm going to love using this lens once I get the hang of using it!


Robert and Kelli said...

Hey Marcus! Have you always been into photography, or is this a new found hobby? Are you taking a class or teaching yourself? There is so much to learn! I'm so excited to really figure out how to use our new camera. I think I'm going to head to DC today for some practice.

Have a great weekend!

Marcus said...

Hey Kelli. I've been into photography since the 9th grade, but have never owned a nice enough camera to take decent photos until now. I am teaching myself mostly. Reading a lot websites and looking at the type of photos professionals take. I also get feedback from other photographers by posting my pics in online forums.

Hope your pics from DC came out good.

Take care,